Welcome to Cheney, KS!

FREE- Sign-up to have your Utility bill automatically deducted from your bank account on the 15th of each month!
Residents signed up for Auto-debit can now sign up for E-Statements!
Monday-Thursday 7:30 am- 5:00 pm
Friday 7:30 am-1:00 pm

In case of an emergency:
The maintenance department may be reached 24 hours/day at 316-542-3815.
The police department may be reached at 316-542-3173 (office) or 316-213-5831 (non-emergent cell) or by dialing 911- 24 hours a day.
 All utility payments must be paid by the last day of the month or utilities will be disconnected.
Sign up for the CERT Basic Training Weekend on March 28-30th in Cheney, hosted by Sedgwick County Emergency Management. 
The class is FREE and provides all materials and PPE.
The CERT Basic Training weekend is a 20-hour class (begins Friday evening and continues during the day on Saturday and Sunday afternoon) that provides you the knowledge, skills, and ability to prepare yourselves and your household before responding to the emergency needs of your family and neighbors in the aftermath of a disaster.
Topics covered during CERT Basic Training:
Disaster Preparedness
CERT in Sedgwick County
Fire Safety and Utility Controls
Disaster Medical Operations
Terrorism & CERT
Search & Rescue
Disaster psychology
City Creates Electronic Council Minutes Dating Back to 1891

Each year during 7th grade government day, City Administrator Danielle Young pulls out the book of city council minutes from 1919-1932 and opens a page showing cursive writing. She asks the students what topic they think was discussed at a council meeting over 100 years ago. She slowly lets each student get a good look at the handwritten minutes and then lectures them on the importance of good penmanship because someday, someone, 100 years later, may have to read their handwriting.

Over the past 14 years of working for the city, Young has read through numerous years of council minutes while doing hours of research on when infrastructure was built, easements were obtained, utilities were installed or disgruntled citizens attended Council meetings. Through the decades the paper bound books show transitions from calligraphy, to cursive, to the Courier font of a typewriter, and then to Times New Roman font of Word Documents. But the reality is that if the ink starts to fade, the historical discussions could be lost with time.

Enter 2020, amid the pandemic, the City of Cheney transitioned to paperless council agendas, posting them online, and creating an online document center, where council minutes and other city documents could be uploaded electronically for the public to view.

With a city hall staff of three and limited electronic records, staff set a goal to digitize all the paper council minutes into searchable text and upload them into the new online document center. This would allow decades of text to be searched by keywords, saving staff research time when looking for key events within Council minutes. City Clerk Angie Gassmann led the project with Deputy Clerk Mary Bronston (retired 2024), and Andrea Smyth helping finish the project.

Getting started on the project in October 2020 was easy as electronic word documents were available on the computer from the current timeframe back to 1997 and were easily uploaded as PDF files; however, unable to scan handwritten minutes as a searchable text format from 1891-1932, Gassmann found it as a challenge to decipher and re-type the minutes into new word documents.

The first Council minutes where a typewriter was used dates to April 8, 1932 and the original image of the minutes from that date forward can be found on the city’s website. Pages were carefully removed from the books and scanned, saved, and then uploaded. The electronic files do not replace the original books, as the pages were returned to their books and placed back in storage after being scanned.

Cheney is excited to have over 120 years of history in a searchable format that the public can view online. The project was officially completed in early 2025 and not only allows staff to easily search topics discussed during council meetings, but shows commitment from our staff to bring historical significance to our community and transparency to our public.

Signing up for Civic Ready Alerts is fast and easy on the SCEM website

Citizens can specify how they want to be contacted - by email, text, or voice call - and which notifications they would like to receive - from emergency and weather alerts to road closures and health advisories. By sharing a home address, residents can even receive alerts targeted for their neighborhood, through geo-fencing. 

Cheney will send out notices via email - so please include your email address when signing up!

Notifications can also be translated instantly into 69 written languages and 31 spoken languages. Residents simply choose their preferred language when signing up. 
Sidewalk Grant Application
The Cheney City Council approved the Sidewalk Installation/Replacement Program for 2025.
The purpose of this policy is to assist homeowners with the installation of new sidewalks that connect to existing sidewalks as well as replacing sidewalks in disrepair.

Criteria for consideration of a sidewalk grant

Click here for a sidewalk grant application form.

The City of Cheney will reimburse property owners for two-thirds (2/3) the cost of public sidewalk, located in the street easement, installation/replacement up to $750.00 per building lot frontage.
Reimbursement will occur based on reasonable bid and invoice from a contractor or homeowner. Reasonable bids will be based on measurements and determined by the City Superintendent. Measurements will be rounded to the nearest foot. This policy applies to only projects undertaken within the 2025 calendar year unless approved in 2024, but not constructed.       
Sidewalk replacements will receive priority and awarded funds first.
Grants will be awarded on a first come basis. The City reserves the right to prioritize some replacements based on severity and need for replacement.
Requests in 2025 not funded may receive priority for 2026 if the program continues.
 If funds are available after all replacement requests have been filled, new sidewalks will be considered on a first come basis.
New sidewalks must link to existing sidewalks.

Sidewalk construction must comply with Cheney city codes regarding specifications for 5’ sidewalks, unless conditions exist, and sidewalk replacement shall be constructed to existing sidewalk width. Prior approval required from City Superintendent for construction less than 5' wide. 
The City will pay for the installation of ADA approaches on corner lots and make those arrangements.
A permit is required for sidewalk installations and must be approved by the City building inspector.
Applications must be received at City Hall by November 1, 2025 for consideration.
Construction must be completed by December 15th, 2025 and an invoice submitted to City Hall to receive payment.
Payment will be made by check on the regular payment schedule for the City.
The City of Cheney reserves the right to refuse projects based on condition of the sidewalk, non-compliance with City code and /or this policy through the installation process, depletion of funding for the program due to the amount of applicants or available funds.
All bad sections or the entire sidewalk must be included in the application.
Owner of property abutting a sidewalk is responsible for all maintenance of said sidewalk and accountable for all City Code Enforcement notices, regardless of grant approval. The applicant/owner is not relieved from any liability for future replacement, repair, maintenance or keeping sidewalk clear along the applicant's property. 
Program only applies to pubic sidewalks. Sidewalks that lead to a house are not eligible. 
The Master Plan was designed for the area at MacArthur and South Main in 2016.

 A collaborative effort between Cheney Recreation Commission, the City of Cheney and numerous citizens and volunteers have contributed to the following projects.


1. A master plan for the land was developed through public input by LK Architecture. 
2. A playground grant was secured by Cheney Recreation for $25,000 to purchase a $50,000 play structure.
3. Dirt work was completed on the north section for future multi-use fields. 
4. Future multi-use fields were seeded in the late fall with the help of a donor.
5. 80 trees were donated by ICTrees and planted by volunteers.
6. A grant was secured for $50,000 to build an additional ball field.
7. The parking lot size was doubled.


8. Gaga Ball Pit was constructed as an Eagle Scout Project.

9. A grant for $947.50 was secured from KDHE to purchase 5 park benches. 

10. Fourteen trees were donated and planted by the Gorges Family Tree Farm (Value: $1,750)

11. "Cheney" entrance sign was built and funded by Make A Difference Day (Value: $4,095)

12. Dirt work for the additional ball fields was completed and the beginning stages of a pond began. 

12. An electrical transformer and lights were added to the parking lot. 


13. Backstop and sprinkler system were installed and grass was planted at the newest ball field (Field 3). 

14. Landscaping was done around the "Cheney" entrance sign. 

15. Backstop installed for new ballfield (Field 4).


16. Added additional parking lot along MacArthur.


17. Built basketball court with adjustable goals and lights ($75,754, with half paid by LWCF grant).

18. Built two pickleball courts with lights ($39,130).

19. Ten additional trees, donated by Gorges Family Tree Farm were planted

20. USD 268 planted 49 trees to create a wind break near the high school softball field. Trees donated by Stan Ast family. 


21. Constructed Legacy Walking Trail around Sports Complex with grant from Sunflower Foundation and added pedestrian bridge built by Downey Consulting.

22. Seeded and added irrigation to new ballfield. (Field 4) 


23. Built covered park shelter with public restrooms.

24. Added two sand volleyball courts with lights.

25. Installed fencing around new ballfield (Field 4.)

Looking to Make Cheney Your Home?
Check out these lots currently for sale that are ready for houses! Cheney offers great K-12 schools, active and growing Main Street, awesome Recreation Department, city swimming pool, numerous park upgrades, 18-hole golf course, and is only a quick 20 minutes from West Wichita. Click on Housing additions to view maps of each development. Contact City Hall (316) 542-3622 with any additional questions!

Amber Park-Great residential lots in neighborhood with several families. Closed Builder, but other builders allowed subject to approval. Contact Dal Eck- (316)942-7402
Quail Creek- Lots available with pond located behind each lot. Closed Builder, but other builders allowed subject to approval. Contact Dal Eck (316) 942-7402.
Back Nine- Lots located in new housing addition on the north side of Cherry Oaks Golf Course. Open builder is allowed. Contact Ross Scheer 316-619-9812
Feather Lane- Residential lots located in new housing addition on west side of Cheney. Closed builder- Contact Grady Laverentz- 316-370-0076
